Long Prom Hair Styles: So Pretty, So Easy

Long Prom Hair Styles . . . Go Casual, But Shine!

The prom hair routine of not so long ago was a completely different story than today. Lucky you! I have memories of way too much time spent at the hair salon getting shampooed followed by a roller set that was so tight, it left you with a headache and a face lift at the same time. You then sat under the hair dryer till your ears and face turned red. Next came a violent comb-out, in a sort of rip and tear kind of way.

After that came the main prom hair styling technique of the day, RATTING! These hairdressers knew how to RAT, that is, back-combing or teasing, taken to a violent extreme which made your hair like a rat’s nest and stay put for months. Some-how after lots of combing over, spraying, twisting and pinning, voila . . . the masterpiece . . . love-locks.

We all had long prom hair styles, we all looked the same and basically we all them. Tears, were shed by many as they left the salon that hopeful day, feeling older than dirt. And, that’s just what you asked the hairdresser NOT to do! “Please DON”T make me look old.

Good news for you gals, formal hair routines have evolved eons since that time. If you’re talented with hair styling techniques you may be able to recreate some of these casual long prom hairstyles at home. But, don’t leave it to chance! Practice and if not you’re happy, make that appointment with a professional hairdresser. There are subtleties in making a casual long prom hair style look casual and still have it hold all day and through prom night and make you shine.
Long Prom Hair Styles
Long Prom Hair Styles

Here is an idea for a long prom hair style from Eva Longoria. This prom updohas a casual, yet polished look but it’s styled to HOLD for the entire evening. Check out my article Prom Updos for more.
Long Prom Hair Styles
Long Prom Hair Styles

This long prom hair style on Eva Mendes is sooo cute! Check out my other article for more prom hairstyles for long hair.
Long Prom Hair Styles
Long Prom Hair Styles

Easiest to achieve, this curled and teased pony tail long prom hair style can be a real head turner. For more on prom ponytails.
Long Prom Hair Styles
Long Prom Hair Styles

Steal the show with this long prom hair style, but this one is best left to the professionals. For more on the Twist Updos for prom.
Long Prom Hair Styles
Long Prom Hair Styles

Long Prom Hair Styles
Long Prom Hair Styles

Easy to achieve but still needs practice prom hair style 

Even though long prom hair styles are casual this year, this is still your night to shine. You’ve got the fabulous prom dress, shoes and accessories, now don’t miss out on wearing a knockout hair style! For more great looks check out our Pinterest Wedding Hairstyles, Prom Hairstyles and Braid Boards.

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